Learn from 100+ of the World’s Best Minds
MasterClass is the streaming platform that makes it possible for anyone to watch or listen to hundreds of video lessons taught by 100+ of the world’s best.Whether it be in business and leadership, photography, cooking, writing, acting, music, sports and more, MasterClass delivers a world class online learning experience. Video lessons are available anytime, anywhere on your smartphone, personal computer, Apple TV and FireTV streaming media players.
A MasterClass Membership includes access to an incredible catalog of 100+ classes taught by the world’s best on cooking, leadership, photography, writing and more.
Each class includes around 20 video lessons that are 10 minutes long on average, along with an in-depth workbook. You also get access to the MasterClass smartphone and TV apps, offline lessons, their member’s only newsletter, and their dynamic community of members around the world.
The annual membership is €200 and provides unlimited access to all classes and new classes as they launch. All MasterClass memberships include access to their mobile and TV apps, high-definition videos, and downloadable class workbooks.
So what are you waiting for? Today’s the day. Learn from the world’s greatest minds exclusively on MasterClass.